Patients are seeing faster results with PRP in combination with their Hair Restoration procedure
AlviArmani has been offering our R&D lab-enhanced Platelet Rich Plasma (PRP) treatment in combination with a Hair Restoration procedure for hairloss patients for a few years now in our Alvi Armani Clinics.
During a hair transplant procedure, our surgeon will draw the patient's blood and then have the red blood platelets separated and enhanced with proteins and growth factors that are included in PRP. These factors, including VEGF and PDGF, have been shown to induce follicular growth, strengthening of miniaturized hairs and faster healing.
What we have been seeing with these patients who receive both treatments are:
- Faster healing times post-op
- Much less shedding of the transplanted grafts after the procedure
- Higher retention of grafts post-procedure
- Quicker regrowth of grafts
We have found that patients who have PRP with their FUE procedure not only see better yield, but also faster healing post op and earlier growth. The patients follicles come out of the resting phase earlier and their results come in faster.
In addition, patients who have PRP with their FUE can return to the gym earlier post op and return to their normal showering routine faster after their procedure. The faster healing time also allows patients to return to work sooner after their hair restoration.
A large number of our patients that have a PRP Session along with the FUE Hair Restoration procedure on the same day have been experiencing, faster healing times post-op, much less shedding of the transplanted grafts after the procedure, a higher retention of grafts post procedure, and early growth – some of our patients who have had FUE and PRP with us have started seeing growth as early as two months post op.